

Do 80% of young people really “grow out” of being Transgender?

There is an often quoted “statistic” thrown around that around 80% of transgender young people “grow out of” being transgender. It’s also called “desistance”, and sometimes erroneously stated as “detransition”.

It’s a figure that is persistently used by trans hostile people and groups to deny trans identities and trans related healthcare to young people, and is often cited as “evidence” that being transgender is just a fad, phase or something trendy.

It’s also highly contested, poorly researched, and , speaking as a trans person - complete and total rubbish.

Here’s a brief explanation why.

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Claire's Trans Talks
How to be a Trans Ally

This article can also be found on the Resources page.

You may have heard the term “Ally” used in relation to LGBT+ people, and are wondering what it is, means and how it applies to you.

This guide aims to demystify what it means and what can be expected of a good “Trans Ally”

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Claire's Trans Talks
Resources Page Update

We have recently updated our Resources page to include the following:

Terminology Guide - A list of some of the more common terms & meanings that you may come across in relation to transgender people.

Glossary of Gender Identities - A list of some of the more common gender identities and definitions that you may encounter.

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Claire's Trans Talks
International Women's Day 2021 - Choose To Challenge

This year the theme for International Women’s Day is #ChooseToChallenge.

I was recently asked by the School for Social Entrepreneurs to contribute to an article in Good Finance, and I feel honoured to stand with the other social entrepreneur’s featured.

It is incredibly important to challenge gender equality issues. All women are affected, no matter their background, origin or experience, and those same issues often lead to other negative social effects and outcomes.

By Choosing to Challenge inequalities we can introduce positive change that benefit everyone.

My contribution can be read on the Good Finance Blog here :

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Claire's Trans Talks
Trans History - Magnus Hirschfeld & the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft

I intended to write a few articles throughout LGBT+ History Month, however the mental toll of dealing with the current state of anti-hostile hysteria in the UK has been too much to deal with, resulting in a mini-break to recentre myself.

Instead, I’m going to close out LGBT+ History month with a look at Magnus Hirschfeld & the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft - an early LGBT+ clinic and research institute, and some of the disturbing parallels with the current situation in the UK.

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Terminology - "Cisgender" Explained

You might be surprised to learn there is an “opposite” term to Transgender.

And that term is “Cisgender”.

Cisgender is a term used as a way to distinguish non-transgender people from transgender people, and has been in use since the 1990’s throughout academia and the scientific community.

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Terminology - "Transgender" Explained

Transgender is one of those words that has a number of different meanings, depending on the context it’s being used in and who you ask.

This is the result of trying to explore and explain concepts of gender that are relatively new to western civilisation due to the imposition of the gender binary, but concepts that have roots going back to the dawn of mankind.

In this article we will look at the origins, contexts and correct usage of the word, common mistakes and assumptions, and how the term is twisted by trans hostile parties.

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NHS Condemned by Professional Transgender Healthcare Organisations

Yesterday, every professional transgender healthcare organisation released a joint statement which roundly condemned the removal of treatment using hormone suppressants (often known as puberty blockers) for gender dysphoric young people by the NHS Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS).

GIDS opted to fully remove this treatment option following the farcical Kiera Bell legal case, despite it not actually being a requirement of the judgement. That GIDS did so with such rapidity and lack of concern for those young people under it’s remit shows the service is not fit for purpose, a claim that service users have been making for a number of years.

The full statement can be found here:

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NewsClaire's Trans Talks
Playing Word Games - How Anti-Trans Activists Lie

In today’s article we are going to look at how Anti-Trans Activists (ATAs) manipulate words, phrases and meanings in order to spread lies about the transgender community.

Unfortunately there are so many different tactics those opposed to the existence of transgender people use that it would take a book to detail them all, so instead, we are going to look at one example, and pick that apart to show you the methodology used.

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UK High Court Rules Transgender Children Can Be Prescribed Puberty Blockers….But (updated)

Welcome news today, as the outcome of the Keira Bell vs Tavistock & Portman Gender Clinic case has been announced.

The case was brought to try and stop the use of puberty blocking drugs for trans young people in the UK, by attacking a legal ruling known as Gillick Competency, where a young person under the age of 18 must show that they understand the results and consequences of medical treatment they consent to.

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NewsClaire's Trans Talks
Transgender Awareness Week 2020 #3 - The State of Trans Healthcare in the UK.

Today we will be looking at the state of transgender specific healthcare in the UK - or rather the lack of it and the difficulty in accessing it.

This article provides a very high level overview of the current process and issues but is not particularly in depth.

There are currently seven Gender Identity Clinics (GIC) across the UK, and each is run as a separate entity. Earlier this year, as part of the whole Gender Recognition Act Reform debacle, the government announced three new clinics would be provided - however this was untrue. The “new clinics” are pilot programmes which had already been announced some time previously by the previous government.

While very welcome, access to these is very limited.

The average wait time for a first appointment at a GIC is now in excess of 3 1/2 years (180 weeks +), and four years ago it was already 2 years.

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